Mathematical Scientific Computing


Scientific Computing Practical

The scientific computing practical is taught each semester. At the begining of a semester an introduction is given to familirise the students with a variety of programming tools. These tools include: versioning using git, unit-testing, use of artificial intelegence as a programming tools, continuous integration, etc.

After an introduction, students explore these tools are put to use in (group) projects. These projects are either contained within the course or done in a coloboration with researchers at the university of Göttingen.

Selected past and ongoing projects:

  • Simulation of biological neurophysiological cells - in coloboration with Prof. Tetzlaff
  • Framework für quantilbasierte Spektralanalyse von Zeitreihen - in coloboration with Dr. Kley
  • Implementation of an NGSolve Operator for Elastic Boundary Value Problems in the regpy Code - in coloboration with Prof. Hohage
  • An HDG implementation of the Spalart-Allmaras model - in coloboraion with Prof. Lehrenfeld
  • Implementation eines NFFT-Algorithmus - in coloboraion with Prof. Plonka-Hoch
  • Convergence of an Iterative Nonlinear Scheme for Denoising of Piecewise Constant Images: Python Implementation - in coloboraion with Prof. Plonka-Hoch


Mathematics students can write a bachelor or master theses either in conjunction with or subsequent to a scientific computing practical project. This flexibility in approach allows students to seamlessly integrate hands-on programing experiences acquired through practical project with theoretical knowledge.

Theses can be requested on demand, do not hesitate to write me an e-mail.

Python course

Currently, at the end of each semester in the semester break an introductary Python course is taught.

At the end of each winter semester the course Introduction to Python and computeralgebra is available, see Mathematical application software. This is designed for students enrolled in the mathematics teacher education programs.

At the end of each summer semester Mathematics related programming is taught. This course is designed with mathematics students in mind.

List of Python courses

  • Einführung in Python und Computeralgebra (WS 23/24)
  • Mathematisch orientiertes Programmieren (SS 23)
  • Einführung in Python und Computeralgebra (WS 22/23)
  • Mathematisch orientiertes Programmieren (SS 22)